Get Instant Savings on Energy-Efficient Products
Save on industry-leading products to improve the energy-efficiency and comfort of your home.

Enjoy Two Ways to Save:

  1. NewSpurLabel Get instant savings at participating stores when you buy products marked with the green Instant Savings tag.
  2. Get coupons for larger savings on smart thermostats and appliances. Scan the Instant Savings QR codes in-store or visit the coupon site to view the products below in more detail. This site provides Austin Energy customer verification and a unique coupon.

Shopping Tips:

  • Not all store locations participate in Instant Savings. Verify that the specific store near you is participating before planning a trip.
  • Product availability is limited and available only to Austin Energy customers on a first-come, first-served basis. Discounts are subject to change without notice. Check with stores for availability.



Do-It-Yourself Products

Electric Lawn Equipment

Date last reviewed or modified: 10/28/2024