Austin Energy's Commercial Rebates help businesses of all sizes, non-profits and houses of worship make energy efficiency affordable. Earn an average rebate of $5,000 when you invest in these equipment and process improvements.
  • Worker installing ceiling insulation

    Ceiling and Roof Insulation

    Boost savings and comfort by installing new, energy-saving ceiling or roof insulation. Commercial customers earn a rebate of $0.75 per square foot installed.

  • Person on telephone taking notes

    Home Energy Savings for Small Business

    Austin Energy offers rebates to qualifying small businesses and small non-profits that improve energy efficiency through Home Energy Savings.

  • Reflective Roof Coating

    Reflective Roof Coating

    Keep heat out of your building and save money on air conditioning with spray-on or paint-on reflective roof coatings. Austin Energy will rebate $0.20 per square foot of coating applied.

  • Window Treatments and Replacements

    Window Treatments and Replacements

    Earn rebates to install solar shading, window film or energy-efficient windows. Austin Energy pays up to $1.73 per square foot of window treated or replaced.